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Buell Forum » XBoard » Buell XBoard Archives » Archive through September 30, 2008 » Test Ride with Fuel Maps Cruise RPM CL area Tricked into OL, and/or CL EGO Correction Forced Between 100-107%. « Previous Next »

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Posted on Saturday, September 27, 2008 - 05:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Went for a 190 mile ride to test my work from yesterday, (see blue type below).

Ride results were good but mixed. The titration point, (the point at which EGO correction goes to 100-107% or the fuel map cruise RPM CL area shifts to OL) is highly unstable and affected by temperature.

Potentiometer adjustment is different with a cold morning-cold engine, cold morning-warm engine, warm afternoon-cold engine and warm afternoon-warm engine.

While riding, you can tell when ego is above 100% or if the maps are in OL. If the pot’s resistance is too high ego will stay around 90% and CL will not shift to OL. If resistance is to low ego climbs rapidly to 200%. Usually somewhere before 200% the check engine light will come on.

When the check engine light comes on, the ECM/engine goes into some type of default mode. The bike runs ok but with noticeably less power. When resistance is increased the check engine light goes out and the process to find the titration point starts all over again.

The bike runs fantastic when it’s out of Closed Loop, but its just not practical having to adjust resistance or turning on the laptop to look at what’s happening with ECM-Spy. For this to be practical a way has to be found to stabilize the titration point.

Next week I’ll try wiring a pot between the o2 sensor and the ECM to see if that helps. If I could be certain that an HD two wire o2 sensor had the same thread size and tip depth as the Buell’s, I would purchase one and wire it per Nightriders instructions.

Anyone on the board have any suggestions?

Gunter, is there any way to set or adjust ego correction in ECM-Spy?

Brought an O-Scope home to look at the o2 sensor and spent the day testing, (my company is on a 4-day schedule).

The o2 sensor runs at 6-8 MHz shifting rapidly from min to max voltage with a jittery waveform. Plugged in all kinds of settings, (several dozen) but will only give a brief overview here.

Initially did a few tests with my MLV maps, but then loaded in the stock maps. Loaded several o2 voltage settings from stock .41-.49-.56 V, up to .67-.75-82 V.

At that setting EGO correction shot up to 200%. The bike started running lousy around 135%. With the stock CL map set at 14.7%, I was attempting to get a steady, (103-14.2:1) to (107%-13.2:1) CL EGO reading.

Brought the o2 voltage back to stock and connected a 100K pot, (Variable Resistor) between the Violet wire with Grey tracer at pin 4 on the Grey ECM connector, (o2 sensor wire) and the battery’s negative terminal. The pot’s range was measured to be 5 Ohm to 99.5K Ohm through 10 turns.

Steadily brought the resistance down to somewhere between 1500-2500 Ohm. Before installing the pot, EGO correction varied between 86 to 92%. As resistance approached 2500 Ohm, EGO slowly increased to about 99 to 102.

If resistance was dropped just a little more EGO would shoot up to 200. Just before the point where EGO shot up, if you turned the throttle just a little, the ECM went into OL and CL ego would reset to 100%.

Continued making o2 sensor voltage changes and ended up with 47-49-63 V and the pot set at about 2500 Ohms. At this setting CL EGO would vary between approximately 99 to 103, but most importantly the region would shift from CL to OL when the throttle was twisted and stay there.

Clicked on the Other Maps Tab. Changed Open Loop Enrich. Delay to 0. Changed Default Open Loop Corr. To 107% and 113%. Went for three test spins and determined 107% is the best setting.

In conclusion when resistance is lowered there is a very fine line between keeping CL EGO where it forces the ECM to go into Open Loop and where EGO correction becomes unstable and goes through the roof.

The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow and plan on going for a nice long ride to see how the Buell performs. I have high confidence that all will go well. Perhaps someone reading this can come up with additional circuitry to make the EGO correction percentage more stable.
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