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Buell Forum » XBoard » Archive through May 19, 2011 » New Erik Buell ECM Feedback « Previous Next »

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Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - 08:59 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

(sorry, had to re-post when I used Erik Buell Racing in the first post's title - it didn't link in the forum properly)

I just got my Erik Buell Racing ECM this past Monday!

So when the rain broke and the sun shone Tuesday morning, I swapped it in and the wife and I took a ride.

To be honest, I don't notice a huge difference. Maybe my expectations were of something magical happening, but even so there's definitely a change. Here's what I've noticed so far:

- Smoother Revs - The slight jerkiness at low RPMs has all but disappeared. The bike is still much happier above 3k RPM (more like 4k), but sub-3K isn't as bad as with the stock.

- Smoother Power - The power has smoothed out across the entire band. Like mentioned before by myself and others, with the stock there's this surge of power around 5K. With the Erik Buell Racing, it's smoothed out and the power feels like it's always on hand rather then a sudden surge.

- Louder - Interestingly, the bike grumbles a bit louder, something my wife noticed as well over her riding music. I *think* it's because they've lowered the RPM trigger for the EVA to open, so the exhaust now switches over earlier in the RPM band, making the perception of a louder exhaust. Following this train of thought, I would guess that's in order to ensure power is more readily available without having to wait for the EVA to open.

- Increased Vibrations - Likely due to the EVA being open on more of the ride, the wife noticed that she has more vibration in her foot pegs.

- Idling - The idle is higher at start-up, around 1,400 RPM or so. I've heard this mentioned once or twice before, with the thought that it's to allow the bike to warm-up faster. Once you're going the idle comes down to a normal ~1k at stops.

- Faster Responsiveness - The bike seems to respond faster to the throttle. Rather then "Go, go, go, gadget", it's more like "Go Gadget!" :-)

That's my take so far, but keep in mind I only rode it 2-up for maybe 90 minutes. If the rain in the newly formed Ohio Valley Rain Forest ever lets up, I'll take it for a more thorough 1-man ride to note changes.

Finally, there was a paper that came with the ECM that stated the following changes.
- Bank Sensor enabled, but you can unplug it for track days without it throw a CEL error. Of course, if you drop the bike with it unplugged, it won't shut off automatically.
- EVA is enabled, but if you disable it manually, rip it out or otherwise use an after-market exhaust without one, it won't throw a CEL error.
- Kickstand lockout enabled/disabled - honestly I don't remember and I don't have the sheet in front of me. I don't have a kickstand sensor on mine so I didn't think about it much.

What differences have other seen with the Erik Buell Racing ECM? Anyone else run it with the stock exhaust and the EVA operational?

(Message edited by thump4fun on April 27, 2011)
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