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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 11:17 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Yes - I could search - but this also allows me to intro myself and interact a bit. (Much of this was posted at another Uly site - but there has been minimal response: )

BIO: Mid 50s. College professor (Forensics). Into guitars, motorcycles, and martial arts. Current scooter is a 98 GS 1100 BMW that has left me on the roadside 3 times in the last month - electrical gremlins: ) Last week - I got to push that pig home - 3 1/2 miles!!!!! I may have a (foolish) buyer lined up for her! : )

Took a look at a Uly for the first time last week - loved it. (OTOH - as I'm coming from a BMW GS, so it had to look great: ) Will be back at the dealer Saturday for test ride. If all goes well - a 2006 "big yeller" will be mine: )

A few questions:

1) I truly intend to adventure tour with it. I have the same concern I had with the Beemer - lack of dealers out in the boonies. Example - I road to the Northern tip of Newfoundland a few years back. I was over a thousand miles from the nearest Beemer dealer - that's a long tow bill!!!!! Does anyone happen to know if a "Harley-only" dealer would be likely to work on a Buell in a "breakdown situation"? Yes - I know I might have to wait for next-day parts and such, but do you think they would do it?

2) Once I got the driving lights on the Beemer - I couldn't understand how I rode for all of those years without them. Are there any good (and good looking) driving lights that anyone has put on their Uly?

3) Related to #2, will the electrics tolerate a set of driving lights AND heated clothing (it was chilly in Northern Newfoundland! Icebergs floating offshore: )

4) What are the service intervals - I can't seem to find that on any of the sites I searched.

5) Anyone know what the extended warranty costs?

6) Are the factory bags waterproof, or will I need a waterproof bagliner? Any other concerns about the bags, i.e., have they "upgraded" those latches that keep busting? I'm planning on getting the saddle bags without the top bag.

7) Does that backrest thingy really take the stress of having someone lean against it! It looks so FRAGILE!

8) The Uly dealer says there is free pick up and delivery for servicing - even though I live 50 miles away! Is that typical of all Buell dealers?

9) What condition is Buell in, as a company? I'd hate to buy my first MC from them, only to have the company fold the next year: )

10) What's the best accessory you put on it so far?

11) What's the poop on the fan for the rear cylinder? Seems to be the only major area of complaints. Not so much the noise, but the fact that it appears a lot of them are crapping after the 5k mark. Comments?

12) Factory tires on the 06 don't sound too good. Any better shoes that I might bargain for with the dealer? Does Metzler make anything in a Uly size? I don't intend to truly take it offroad - just "backroads".

13) Finally - is there a website that shows a US map and all of the current Buell dealers? I often tweak my trip plans to stay fairly near a dealer: )

Any and all responses greatly appreciated!

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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 11:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I'll try to answer your questions

1) I truly intend to adventure tour with it. I have the same concern I had with the Beemer - lack of dealers out in the boonies. Example - I road to the Northern tip of Newfoundland a few years back. I was over a thousand miles from the nearest Beemer dealer - that's a long tow bill!!!!! Does anyone happen to know if a "Harley-only" dealer would be likely to work on a Buell in a "breakdown situation"? Yes - I know I might have to wait for next-day parts and such, but do you think they would do it?
A, it would depend on the dealer. I would like to think most would help you or any rider the best they could.

2) Once I got the driving lights on the Beemer - I couldn't understand how I rode for all of those years without them. Are there any good (and good looking) driving lights that anyone has put on their Uly?
A, several riders have put extra lights on their Uly. Hopefully they will chime in.

3) Related to #2, will the electrics tolerate a set of driving lights AND heated clothing (it was chilly in Northern Newfoundland! Icebergs floating offshore
A, shouldn't be a problem

4) What are the service intervals - I can't seem to find that on any of the sites I searched.
A, 5000 miles

5) Anyone know what the extended warranty costs?
A, depends on how long you want to go.
extra years,
1 609.00
2 814
3 999
4 I think about 1200
5 1495.00

6) Are the factory bags waterproof, or will I need a waterproof bagliner? Any other concerns about the bags, i.e., have they "upgraded" those latches that keep busting? I'm planning on getting the saddle bags without the top bag.
A, they are pretty waterproof but if it was me I'd pack my stuff in garbage bags just in case.

7) Does that backrest thingy really take the stress of having someone lean against it! It looks so FRAGILE!
A, yes, it will handle a passenger. I would get the pad for it though.

8) The Uly dealer says there is free pick up and delivery for servicing - even though I live 50 miles away! Is that typical of all Buell dealers?
A, that is up to the dealer

9) What condition is Buell in, as a company? I'd hate to buy my first MC from them, only to have the company fold the next year
A, Not an issue

10) What's the best accessory you put on it so far?
A, bags

11) What's the poop on the fan for the rear cylinder? Seems to be the only major area of complaints. Not so much the noise, but the fact that it appears a lot of them are crapping after the 5k mark. Comments?
A, while some have had problems, many have not

12) Factory tires on the 06 don't sound too good. Any better shoes that I might bargain for with the dealer? Does Metzler make anything in a Uly size? I don't intend to truly take it offroad - just "backroads".
The Sync they are putting on the 07 are a good tire. I have also set several people up with Conti Road Attacks

13) Finally - is there a website that shows a US map and all of the current Buell dealers? I often tweak my trip plans to stay fairly near a dealer
The BRAG atlas you'll get when you buy the bike will show all Buell dealers on it.

Could I interest you in a trip to Wisconsin to pick up your new Uly?
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 11:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Welcome John!

A few questions:

1) I truly intend to adventure tour with it. I have the same concern I had with the Beemer - lack of dealers out in the boonies. Example - I road to the Northern tip of Newfoundland a few years back. I was over a thousand miles from the nearest Beemer dealer - that's a long tow bill!!!!! Does anyone happen to know if a "Harley-only" dealer would be likely to work on a Buell in a "breakdown situation"? Yes - I know I might have to wait for next-day parts and such, but do you think they would do it?

Many of the mechanical components are similar, so the know how is there. Most will try to help you if they can. I broke a shifter once, and the nearest HD dealer was willing to help me rig something up. We decided to head back home (160 miles). I ran it all in 5th gear (thank you torque!).

2) Once I got the driving lights on the Beemer - I couldn't understand how I rode for all of those years without them. Are there any good (and good looking) driving lights that anyone has put on their Uly?

I have upgraded my stock head light with an HID kit from RiderWarehouse.


It's been one of the best upgrades.

There are few aux lighting mounting options available:


I'm sure others will follow.

11) What's the poop on the fan for the rear cylinder? Seems to be the only major area of complaints. Not so much the noise, but the fact that it appears a lot of them are crapping after the 5k mark. Comments?

I'm trying to ascertain that myself:


It is either a problem or it's not. If it is, Buell has been very good at issuing recalls and rectifying the problem. If they got a bad batch of fans, they will fund a suitable replacement.

12) Factory tires on the 06 don't sound too good. Any better shoes that I might bargain for with the dealer? Does Metzler make anything in a Uly size? I don't intend to truly take it offroad - just "backroads".

I am hoping that Metzler comes out with Tourances for the Uly. That would be my first choice for semi-offroad. I don't use mine for anything but street and a few dirt roads. I use the Avon Azaros and really like them. The jury is still out as to whether I will get the mileage out of them I want, but we'll see. I like them for the first 1000 miles.
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 12:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


Just so happens I am a Forensic Chemist (FL Dept. of Law Enf., Orlando Crime Lab.).

Take care of #'s 10 & 11 with a right side scoop. That and a Vista Cruise throttle lock are my best additions.

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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 01:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


The bags are made by Hepco Becker. That's a name a reformed BMW guy should recognize.
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 01:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


I am interested in how the HID bulbs have worked out for you. (H7's right?) I am thinking about using one for the high beam only. (less likely to get me in trouble with the law...It's easy to just turn the high beam off.)

Is it true that HID's take a little time to "warm up" when you first turn them on? If so, how long? Is it a problem when you need the high beams right away? Does turning them on and off a lot shorten their lifespan?

One more thing...are you the same Ft Bstrd from advrider?

Thanks in advance,


I use my Gerbing heated jacket liner, heated overpants, Dual Star heated grips, and have my high beam wired so both lights are on at once. Even with my cooling fan running in schriek mode all at the same time I have never had a problem with keeping the battery charged.

I have ran the battery down on both my XR650L and Kawa 250 Ninja just using the Gerbings. The Buell appears to have a much more powerful charging system than either of those 2 bikes.

(Message edited by debueller on September 11, 2006)

(Message edited by debueller on September 11, 2006)
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 03:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

The FT BSTRD is universal! Yep it's me.

The H7 bulb is the one used in the Uly housing. They do take a minute or two to fully warm up. Think of it like a mini sodium light (street light, gym lights, etc). They don't take nearly as long to heat up as their larger brothers, though.

For use as a high beam, I probably wouldn't recommend it. The capsules are rated for 2500 hours, but I would imagine that turning them on and off would shorten the life span.

I have had them on mine for two months. I have had no "police intervention" with them. I make sure that they are aimed correctly so as not to blind drivers. It is bright, but I would say that what makes them good is the purity of the light.

My view is that I am willing to risk a potential stop from Johnny Law if it gives me better daytime visibility and I can see better at night.

They draw fewer watts than stock bulbs but produce much more light. I simply clipped and sealed the stock harness. I used a relay and wired them into the back of the accessory plug. It is switched with the main key, so it's on when the engine is on. What's nice is that when I turn on my brights, my low beams are on as well.
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 04:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Thanks FB,

I lurk at advrider sometimes and see your posts on the misc? bike topic.

I am using Silverstars now but still feel I need more light.

Too bad HID's are impractical for high beams. (like an instant on for spotting obsticals in the road)

I want to avoid adding aux. lights if possible....oh well.

I'm done with the thead hijack now.....carry on.

(Message edited by debueller on September 11, 2006)
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 08:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

John, first off, you are picking the right color! But it is ORANGE, NOT YELLER. The following are some comments/answers to some of your questions.
1) Now if there is a dealer on every corner, would that not take some of the adventure out of the tour? Rode a Guzzi for years all over the the eastern half of the USA. Now you are truly talking about few dealers. Never felt the need. But if you are concerned, do a dealer search on the Buell web site.
2)Yes, I think you will need aux. driving lights. Do a search on this site.
3)I have heard no complaints on this one.
4)Low maintenance bike. This sold many of us on this bike.
6)I liked my Krusgers (sp?) better! The Buell supplied bags are not the best bags! Look great on the bike but has too many use issues!
7) ?
9)Yes, and pigs may fly!
10)My butt!
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Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 03:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I think most of it has been answered well, but I'll add to a few things.

1) I would personally be more concerned with the quality of the dealers than the location. I have faith in none of them. I live in New Mexico, but mine has only been to Lake Erie HD in Ohio for the sidestand recall. I do all my own work so far. Fairly simple bike to work on.

2 & 10) I live out in the boonies with no street lights and I work nights so the lights were a big concern for me. I found that by installing the PIAA Extreme white H7 bulbs and reaiming the headlight properly I have no need for auxilary lights except they look cool. The PIAA bulbs were by far the best addition to my bike and they were far better than I expected. Something else to keep in mind is, while it may only be common to a few bike, the headlight switch is definitely backwards. Low switch is high beam and high switch is low beam on my bike. Not side to side wrong but beam is switched.

3) As long as you don't have any problems with the wiring harness shorting out by the neck, the electrical system is stout. For easy heated grips see my easy heated grips post.

6) put your stuff in bags if you don't want it wet. Mine leak when they feel like it. I driven through a flash flood, cats and dogs downpour with dry bags, but parked at work with a light sprinkle and found my jacket wet. There is no common denominator to when or why they leak.

7) My wife complains about the shape of the seat being uncomfortable, but never the backrest at all and it is pretty rugged too.

9) I've been told that Erik has some naughty pictures of Willie G. so the company will be around a while.

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Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 06:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


(Message edited by dragon_slayer on September 13, 2006)
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Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 07:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

It's a great bike and apart from a Harley cruiser you'd be hard pressed to find a more comfortable passenger seat, the only complaint my girlfriend has is that the panniers are close to the rear pegs!
I have 55w driving lights, custom low seat, race kit, Syncs, 16" Cee bailey's and panniers. Any problems have been fixed at a Harley Dealer under warranty (who isn't the one I bought from), great bike, great company!
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Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 09:40 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Welcome John, I predict you will like both your Uly and Badweb. It's good to have you here.

1) a "Harley-only" dealer would be likely to work on a Buell in a "breakdown situation"?

They can if they want to, and many of the parts are the same between Harley's and Buells, so that makes it easier for them to do so. The only rub is that only Buell dealers can order Buell parts. Clown from Stone Mtn and Daves from Appleton both work for Buell dealers and take parts orders on badweb. I'm sure they could overnight you an order in a pinch.

2) Once I got the driving lights

The stock Uly lights suck.

4) What are the service intervals

5,000 miles. The interval for the oil change is 10,000 miles. Of course most people don't wait 10,000 miles to change their oil, but it's nice to know that if you're out in the middle of nowhere, you don't really need to worry about getting the oil changed.

6) will I need a waterproof bagliner?

The bags are waterproof, but bagliners make it much more convienent to use the bags.

7) Does that backrest thingy really take the stress of having someone lean against it! It looks so FRAGILE!

It works great. It's not fragile. My g/f loves the thing.

8) Is that typical of all Buell dealers?

No, I don't think it is. Good Buell dealers are hard to come by. Looks like you may have found one. Thats a good omen.

9) What condition is Buell in, as a company?

They are owned by Harley-Davidson who operates Buell as a fairly independent business. Buell makes a profit.

10) What's the best accessory you put on it so far?

A girl.

11) What's the poop on the fan for the rear cylinder?

It seems to develop some sort bearing noise problem which makes it loud and does not inspire confidence.

The bike will run w/o the fan. The ECM will go into skip mode if the cylinder actually gets too hot. So the loss of a fan on the road will not strand you. Still, it would be nice to see an updated fan.

12) Factory tires on the 06 don't sound too good.

Scorpion Syncs are what comes on the 07 Ulys and I have run them myself.

13) a US map and all of the current Buell dealers?

If you buy a new Buell, you will get a year of BRAG membership with it. Part of what you get from BRAG is a road atlas which contains all the Buell and HD dealerships.
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Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 10:06 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

1) a "Harley-only" dealer would be likely to work on a Buell in a "breakdown situation"?

One more comment. This is really has more to do with why I ride a Buell and any of the technical features of the bike.

There really aren't a lot of Buells out there. That has it's drawbacks, but it really does make it feel like family. If you break down and need help, post on badweb (or call someone and get them to do it.) Someone will help you. Just because you own a Buell.

My friend Kristi is currently updating our Rider Assistance Network page, which gives you the phone numbers of people you can call if you have problems.

These are good threads to read. It will make you want to go buy the bike:
Flat Tire
Ditch digger
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Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 11:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


Rating: N/A
Votes: 0 (Vote!)
Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 03:31 am:

I think most of it has been answered well, but I'll add to a few things.

1) I would personally be more concerned with the quality of the dealers than the location. I have faith in none of them. I live in New Mexico, but mine has only been to Lake Erie HD in Ohio for the sidestand recall. I do all my own work so far. Fairly simple bike to work on.

So it was your bike I saw there. I bought my Uly from them, and the day you were there I was picking up my luggage.

So far they have been a great little dealer for me.

Okay now back to the regularlly scheduled posting... I'd comment, but mine are pretty much the same as the above...
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Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 02:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I saw you looking at my bike when you were carrying out your luggage. The orange one with luggage and a New Mexico temp tag, parked behind an Electraglide and Blast right? I started to walk over, but you were done and walking away before I could get there. My brother teaches Riders Edge there. He is the enormous guy (6'5" 270lbs) named Mitch, not to be confused with the smaller blondish red head mechanic named Mitch who did the work on my bike. They are a very nice and friendly dealer. My Uly was the first recall they did that following Sunday from when you saw it. You were about 20 feet from being the second Badwebber I met in person. Nice to have almost met you.

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