Username: | Gregtonn |
Full Name: | Greg Tonn |
E-mail Address: | (Hidden) |
Last Logged In: | December 25, 2024 |
Registered: | July 14, 2007 |
Total Posts: | 2376 |
Status: | XBRR |
Home Page URL: | |
Birthday (Year) & Occupation: | (1951) farm kid-mechanical engineer for GOES satatelites Space Station and a bunch of other stuff that I could tell you about but some guy in sun glasses would have to kill you. |
City: | Northern |
State/Province: | AZ |
Country: | USA |
Personal Quote: | "Cow chips to space ships. The more you know the more you know there is more you don't know." |
Bike Model (Ex - M2, XB12Rr, S1W, P3): | S3 |
Model Year (Please enter full 4-digit year): | !997 |
Color: | Black Magic |
V.I.N. (To aid in problem resolution. Will not be displayed or shared otherwise.) : | (Hidden) |
Servicing Dealership: | Me |
Performance Mods!: | Bob White Dyno tuned it (His first S3). Bob did a great job. He flattened out the HP and torque curves. He is one of the best. Just ask Erik. |
Problems/Miles (Please be specific): | Blew stator coil at 30,000 miles, but met some realy hot girls in Albert Lea, MN. |
Other Mods/Misc/Customization.: | Lots |
Favorite Rides (Roads and Routes): | Beyond Rating-Reg Kittrel's Blue Groove 2 routes. # Laguna Seca # The Streets of Willow Springs # Dramamine Drive (Its near Lake Shasta, my son named it-I ain't tellin' more). # Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier National Park, MT-long ago. #Road America Elkhart Lake,WI #Lost Trail Pass,MT (The pavment was new and smooth). #Road from rte 101 to rte 1 south of Ukia don't remember the # but watch out for black bears crossing the road. # AZ 89A Prescott Valley,AZ to Jerome,AZ. #Firebird Raceway, Chandler,AZ #AZ 69 (White Spar)south from Prescott, AZ #The East Side of Flat Head Lake, MT #Page Mill Rd/Skyline Rd to Alices Resturant then pick your route to the Pacific (North of Los Altos,CA) Custer Park, SD (The Pigtails are a Hoot!) Galatin Canyon south of Bozeman, MT. At least half a dozen more race tracks. There are lots more. If you ride long enough and far enough you'll find them and some of your own. |
Why I do/don't ride a Buell: | I do, my first bike was a CB400F I loved it too. |
How can Buell improve their motorcycles?: | Erik learned long ago with the Cub and the RW. Build street bikes for the street and race bikes for the the track. Who am I to disagree? |
Life History/Philosophy: | I don't honor anything or anybody without question! I reserve the right to disagree. I don't fit well into boxes. If you can't deal with that, you can't deal with me. If you don't understand that Blake then you don't understand Buell riders! Maybe you should change your login statement! |
Top speed on 2 wheels (mph): | 140+ |
Preferred engine oil (brand/grade): | Mobil 1 (Same as Erik). |
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