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| Posted on Friday, November 17, 2006 - 02:49 pm: |
I have a 02 m2l that when I cruise at about 65-80 mph the bike shudders or hesitates. The tach flies all over the place during this time. This only happens in 4th and 5th gears. Once it starts hesitating I either back off or throttle through it and if I do that I sometimes get a nice loud backfire out of the carb. I was thinking that it was the carb but it only happens when I get up to this speed. I've already replaced the plugs and have gone through several different tanks of gas. I've also tried different jets along with cleaning the carb but still the same problem Also if I run through the gears from 0-85+ there is no problem and it runs solid. Anybody have any suggestions thanks |
| Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 08:10 am: |
Jaiwil, The erratic tach means your problem is electrical. Look for loose connections or bad grounds. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 08:17 am: |
Look at the *other* end of the spark plug wires... not the spark plug end, the end where they go up under the tank and connect. Pull, clean, reseat. It may not be your problem (my symptom related to cutting out during heavy rain) but its an easy check. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 09:09 am: |
Make sure the battery connections are clean and tight first of all. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 02:34 pm: |
And check your sidestand safety switch as well, a safety pin through both wires might work. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 04:02 pm: |
Might be prudent to rule out an intake manifold air leak. To do so, get the engine warmed up and off the choke. Then set the idle to around 2,000 PRM and spray contact cleaner all around each of the three intake manifold seals, one at each cylinder head and one at the carburetor. If the idle changes significantly--usually it drops--you have identified an intake manifold air leak and will need to replace the seals. Leaks of this nature tend to manifest at the cylinder head seals, so you'll want to replace both of them if one is leaking. It might also be prudent to check, adjust/clean, and/or replace the spark plugs. Check all battery grounding straps and connections. Check fuses for good integrity/continuity. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 04:08 pm: |
everyone thanks for all the suggestions. I guess this should give me something to do this afternoon. Will let you know if any of it worked. Thanks |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 11:27 pm: |
Ok here's the update on the electrical problem. I heated up motor and sprayed manifold and there were no leaks there. I've checked the battery connections all good. I've replaced the spark plug wires because one wire was going bad. I took it out for a ride and still same problem but it did seem a bit better. I tested coil and it barely was within the recommended ohms. So that technically was still good. I pulled the plugs cleaned and regapped them. Next step is to check that sidestand safety switch then also I'll probably just replace the coil. The only other thing that I can think of is to change out the needles on the carb so it's not as rich. If anybody has any other suggestions I'm on vacation this week so it's a good time for me to get it done. Later |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 - 08:24 am: |
for whats it's worth, I would start with trying to duplicate the concern in all gears. generaly running concerns are RPM related not so often speed. ( but there are times it's speed) if you can duplicate it in all gears? take a look at your VOES switch. I had mine rotate and also had to replace it 2 times on my old m2. they had a melted for some reason? after that move on into the ign modual. |
| Posted on Friday, November 24, 2006 - 02:47 pm: |
For some strange reason these bikes don't really seem to like "cleaned" plugs. I recall a few folks cleaning their plugs and still having problems, but putting in new plugs cleared up their issues. Don't know why, just food for thought. |
| Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2006 - 08:53 pm: |
This may NOT apply to you. I have an M2 with about 9K miles. Got it as a basket case and am hot rodding it a little (so I have a few gremlins - some of my own doing some based on how I got the bike). I had a surge as well (don't know the RPM range - that was before I got a tach for the bike). I put cheapie plugs in from Cycle Gear. They are working out fine - and wierdly, fuell economy went over 50 MPG. That is with several wheelie runs per trip (on dry days). I think fuell economy increased at least 20%. The weather here today sucked - but was out in it anyway. I did a roll on at 60 MPH - to about 90 - and no sputter or hesitation of any kind. That being said - I put the cheapie plugs in because I think I am still chasing another problem and will go back to NGK later. |
| Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 09:02 pm: |
Thanks for the all of the ideas. I'm gonna try new plugs also but first I'm gonna try replacing the jets because I've eliminated so many things and I have the smaller jets here so I'll give them a quick try then go for the new plugs. Then onto the voes! God I hope not then I'll have to read the manual!! LOL thanks for the help everyone. |
| Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007 - 09:23 am: |
Bigdob, what is the NGK part number? |
| Posted on Saturday, May 05, 2007 - 02:34 pm: |
Hey Jaiwil, did you ever figure out your problem? I'm starting to have a similar issue where my M2L (2002 w/ 9400 miles) is hesitating around 2-3,000 RPM at a cruising speed. I can definitely throttle up (definitely the fun part!) to get past it, but unfortunately it doesn't fix itself. (I wish it was that easy) I'm also getting the backfiring out the carburator and erratic tach jumping, but noticed that the tach jumps quite a bit just before the backfiring occurs. She idles fine at 1,000 RPMs. Any ideas? I had the carburator Jetted and a hypercharger put on along with a V&H slip-on exhaust quite a while back. That's about it for mods. I checked all the connections and such and everything seems to be intact. I'm a complete noob when it comes to the technical stuff, so go easy on me. Thanks in advance. |