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Posted on Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 08:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

"But a Dream Lives On Forever" - Todd Rundgren

Court's Wisconsin Wrap-up

You want a summary? I'll give you a summary. But, you have to agree to hear what's in my heart as well as my head. November 8th was a day packed with emotion and activity.

This event, like many of the best, started as a joke when I mentioned to Erik, "hey, we'd ought to come to the factory to let the Buell folks revel in an event they played a huge role in". The response, coming from him, "ok, when?" somehow, looking back, didn't surprise me.

Soon, as we looked at the potential numbers involved it became evident that not everyone who would like to have would be able to make the factory event on such short notice and the word went out to the local Buell owners.

Credit where credit's due. I posted a "I need help quick" e-mail and had 4 responses within minutes. Bomber, Dyna, Lake Bueller and BadS1 raised their hands with the speed of a first grader volunteering his Mother to bring cookies.

I love to delegate and the first person I was able to reach by phone was John "Bomber" Rosberg who, by acclimation, became the point man. In typical Elf fashion we had more folks volunteering that there were tasks and John and Dana did a spectacular job of committing Keith Ulikci and his staff to a significant event prior to Keith returning to the USA.

The days leading up to the event became long with lots of hard work. Shirts were designed Monday night, printed and shipped Tuesday. Hootowl in Texas volunteered to do posters and man oh man did he come through...BIG (literally) TIME.

Henrik spent the night with us; we deposited him at one terminal and hopped on our flight. He landed at Midway, where Bantz (who'd driven all night) was asleep in a truck waiting for him. Vickie and I departed the airport at precisely 9:00am for the 10:00am "name tag" drop rendezvous with Dyna. We intercepted Bantz and Henrik and pulled down the off ramp at 9:59am to a waiting red Ford, the Wisconites continuing to come through.

Rumors of my poor navigational skills through the back roads leading to Buell are er, well...next topic.

The assembled Elves parked in the Buell parking lot at 11:50AM and within moments, Erik was running across from the R&D building that houses his office. This means TWO things:
1) He was excited, genuinely excited, to see us.
2) He wanted 12 people with digital cameras nowhere near that building :)

The entire Buell Company was gathered in the cafeteria and when Erik introduced me, it was all I could do to hold back tears looking out at some of the best friends I've ever had. I started my remarks remembering that Erik years ago had signed a photo "I do all the work and you have all the fun". The years have elevated the statement from true to prophetic.

Let me take moment and talk about a couple people:

Erik Buell is the freshest; most excited, most vibrant and healthiest I've seen him in years. Time has done nothing to erode the enthusiasm he has for racing and he and Richard hit it off instantly. I think I may have a backup rider in Erik if I ever need one.

Richard Nallin is a prince. If this guy were slow, he's still be the one I'd want to put out in public. He's humble, respectful a joy to visit with and for a "homemade Buell hero" the perfect guy to represent US, all the people who created Team Elves.

Aaron Wilson continues to amaze. He's dangerously smart, shuns the limelight and attention and, like Erik, never had any intent of honoring my "khaki slacks" request. His knowledge and intense focus are genuine and the notoriety, he'd prefer someone else deal with. The engineering on this bike was extraordinary.

WessonPammy Brown, and I made that word up and insist we use it. Wes is a quiet guy who knows, I suspect, much more about FAST, than most people will ever approach. Aaron’s endorsement means a lot and Wes worked miracles on this motor. Pammy is not quiet and MAKES things happen. Even when she insulted me (I think) at lunch, calling me the "Don King of Buell" my respect for this First Lady of Speed grows.

The Elves came in droves. It made no sense for many, several, Bantz, Josh and Mariabelen drove all night. Dave Gess, Fireman Jim Higgins and Jim Bantz swung tough deals to get there.

THE ELVES, and this is where it gets good, ARE SPECTACULAR. While at Buell, I had the chance to visit with the REAL ELVES. These are the folks by whose virtue, Buell exists today. I don't know and didn't ask, what's going down in the building next door, but their smiles spoke volumes. I need to share a very personal thank you for the letter I got last night. One of the comments "just when this seems like work, once again, you've come here and stoked the fires of passion". This is why I was too moved to write last night.

A Special mention to two of them....Mike Juliano, who's in charge of production, was nothing short of impressive as hell. Mike's smart, dedicated and the pride he exhibited while showing the unruly group the production line (where the "out of production XB9R's were flowing at the rate of 50 per day) was moving. Mike's worked his way up through the Buell ranks and his passion says more about the motorcycle many of you are going to own than any magazine article can convey. He and I have wrestled over things before and always maintained a deep respect. I am absolutely THRILLED to see what he is doing.

There are many more, I'll save those for other stories.

To those of you who've quibbled about Buells, I can say one thing.....Life is good!

Buell has done things that the world will come to, I predict, be in awe of and that will change the way quality is perceived at Buell. If you are hung up on the problems of the past, I suggest you open your eyes, hold carefully your tongue and watch. Ever heard of VINCE? You will. Erik and company has, on the XB line, tied all tools to computers and into databases. They KNOW how many rotations a tool made to tighten the rear axle nut. They KNOW the precise torque value and they have created a system to move quality to mean consistent repeatable quality. If Buell specifies a supplier supplies an axle with the nut mounted and ready to be spun 3 turns to torque, they know and can act on any supplier deviations. Many, make that most, of Buell maladies can be traced to suppliers. Kiss that dog goodbye. In addition, supply quantities are now shipped in numbers that equal daily production, inventory control is precise.

That's the science of manufacturing and that's neat, but it gets better.

Erik goes ballistic talking about people and insists you "hire brains, not hands". The XB line is the result of each TEAM being asked "how can you do YOUR best?" and creating the process that facilitates them doing something that allows them to INSURE their pride is reflected in each and every motorcycle. Unheard of and the epitome of what "hand built" can bring to a process.

Perfect example would be Laurie Baracus. I've known and worked with Laurie through the years at Buell. I had a chance to talk with her and the pride has got me so "refired" up it's incredible.

Life, at Buell, is incredible.....and, in typical Erik Buell style, all because of people.

There’s a lot more to say......we'll do more chapters on the smiles on the R&D guys’ faces. They said nothing, in words, to me, but I know how to read the smiles on that group that wandered over from the building to the East.

INTERESTING TIDBIT: I went looking for an "Original Elf" to say good-bye prior to leaving and was told...".....went out on a test ride". I think Buell was playing with us by sneaking a development bike out under our noses. :)

Next the group headed off to Uke's and I have to tell you if there is one guy I want to be it's Badwebber Wes Orloff. Wes's title is something like "Future Product Development" and I'd warned the group the he was "off limits" and was not to be primed with liquid info lubricant.

Wes shows up to escort us on a V-Rod that was TO DIE FOR. I was the 9th car back and will say nothing to place Wes "at risk" other than I was unable to SEE the show, but I could hear if from 1/2 mile back. Actually, it was tough to hear with Vickie's screaming as he led us, promptly, to Uke's.

Uke's was Ukes'. This is one of the “significant Harley-Davidson dealerships and families” in America. Invoke the name and lots of variables that can doom an event just flat go away. Keith Ulikci was in Puerto Rico at a meeting and Eva didn't hesitate for a minute when the Wisconites called on her to host the impromptu gathering. I joked that I’d have loved to see Keith’s face when he returned. But, he’s a veteran racer and fully understands how these things happen!

Dave Steuve, changing the way Buells are sold in Iowa, showed with a group of Buell fanatics. Brad "Satellite Elf" Johnson rolls in from a 6-hour drive from Minnesota, The Illi-noisy-ans were there in force and bottom line is that the very people who MADE Team Elves, threw one heck of a shindig.

I am now, I'm nearly certain, the only person in Buell history to OWN a can of Autographed Refried Beans, which most were delighted never got opened.

For the record, I'm ordering (from the catalog I was given) Kringle from Wisconsin and have given it the "Elf Seal of Approval". There WILL be Kringle in Bonneville next year.

One of the highlights of the Uke's gathering was the appearance (I'd called and asked they make sure he was notified) of John Mikosh and his 1992 RSS 1200 "Janice". This guy is everything that Buell has ever hoped to be. I needed to see him to remind me of the roots of my passion and I needed his, after all these years, to see how far we've come and how much we've stayed the same. I've known John since most the bikes at the annual Buell gatherings (yes, we have pictures) were RR1000's, RR1200's and RS's. He's a special guy.

Special thanks to Boomer, Lake Bueller, BadS1, Dyna and a host of other locals who kept accepting the mounting logistical tasks with nothing but smiles.

In winding up, I'll say what I've been saying for years, it's the people who started Buell, who kept the dream alive and who make Buell today. Team Elves is the embodiment of the power that flows from lots of passionate people, pulling in the same direction and each doing his or her job well and the extraordinary results that flow from the power of people. It's worked for years, and it will work for many more.

Truly, because of you, "a dream lives on forever".

Court Canfield
New York City
November 10, 2002
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Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 01:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

It was great to finally meet you in person Court!

Ride to the edge!
HD/Buell Cycle Center
4022 Sergeant Rd
Waterloo Ia 50701
1-800-342-7539 ext 14
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Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 02:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


It was nice to meet you as well and I truly appreciate all you did to "bring out the Elves" from Iowa. It was so cool that the passionate and like minded all over the area dropped what they were doing and came to celebrate!

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Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 03:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I just got a short note from Erik and he has as much fun as anyone at this affair.

Way to go Elves!

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Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 03:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Mariabelen's favorite moment was seeing Erik and Court run to greet each other. She was imagining slo-motion and a sweeping sountrack :)
I'm not sure which was better, Pammy's "Don King of Buell" comment or Court 5 min later "That was an insult wasn't it."
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Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 04:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

As soon as I saw the post about it I knew I was going to be there, come hell or highwater. The guys here in Waterloo that didn't go will be kicking themselves for a long time.

Ride to the edge!
HD/Buell Cycle Center
4022 Sergeant Rd
Waterloo Ia 50701
1-800-342-7539 ext 14
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Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 10:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


Ok, I give up. What happened to Blake after we all split up on Friday?

Is he trying to decipher all those itty bitty notes he made on one sheet of paper? Did someone make him walk back to Texas? Was he so overwhelmed with the warm reception at Uke's that he is moving here?

Wassup??? I for one, miss his posts on the BWB. Especially after getting to know him.

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Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 01:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Beauty in words there Court. Thanks!
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Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 02:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Yo, Blake . . .yer back!

we missed ya!
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Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 08:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

another missed oportunity, rats!!!brentx1 just stopped by wildfire h-d/buell where i'm selling buells again and relayed what i'd missed.
court your words touched my heart...
boy 'o boy i really missed something special.
stay safe everyone, regards, ken w
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