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Buell Forum » XBoard » Buell XBoard Archives » Archive through January 15, 2008 » XB12S still won't shift... « Previous Next »

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Posted on Sunday, January 13, 2008 - 07:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I got my bike out today and tried to remedy my shifting problem. I changed the primary oil like I said I was going to do and I cleaned it up good and checked all the adjustments. The clutch seems fine to me, and I don't really think that is the problem.

Before I left the bike was cold. If you remember, when I last parked it, it was stuck between 1st and 2nd. I could not get it to go higher than that. After doing all the maintenence today, I took off out of the neighborhood and at first it was hesitant and kind of sticky but it soon shifted up out of the gears. It went up to third, fourth, and then fifth. Now it is stuck in fifth. I rode it for a while working the clutch and it hovered in between 4th and 5th. I got it to move in between those two gears but it won't go down. I figured once it got hot that maybe it would straighten up and start shifting correctly. Nope.

It has nothing to do with the linkage, and the clutch seems to be fine. I am no harley mechanic, but how could the clutch effect whether or not it goes into gear if the bike shifts fine on its own without touching the clutch, as well as stops moving with the clutch engaged???

I know that it needs to be in adjustment as far as riding and it working correctly goes, but for the topic's sake--I don't think it is the clutch that is causing the shifting problem.

The shaft that comes out of the engine seems to "stick" - like it doesn't always spring back like it is supposed to. I can push my shifter arm up or down and it will stay up or down. The bolt that the shifter arm is not too tight hindering the movement..I already checked that too..

Do you guys have any suggestions as to what this might be?? I really do not want to take it to the dealership, because of about 3 reasons:

1. They are 200 miles away. That is the closest Buell dealership with a service center that will work on my bike.

2. They probably aren't going to want to cover it under warranty because it fell of the kickstand--and they are going to try and blame that for the reason the shifting is messed up,

3. I don't really want to have to deal with them, because they act pi$$y towards me anyway because my bike has been down so many times. They act like I'm abusing my bike, which I completely understand, but what they don't understand is that the three times it has been down were accidents.

I'm not gonna get into that now, if you want to know the details please search my other posts.

I just really wish there was a way that I could find out what the problem is here and fix it without involving anyone else (besides you guys of course).

Thanks guys...
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