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Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 01:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

-The Buell Thunderstorm Engine has been outlawed from MotoGP due to the unfair advantage any team using the motor would have.
-The weakest part of a Buell’s drivetrain is the rider’s neck, which is typically the first thing to break during hard launches.
-The 16 cylinder, quad turbocharged engine in the bugatti veyron is bugatti's strongest attempt at replicating the power generated by a Buell.
-If you see the rider of a Buell walking with a limp, it is not because he hurt his back - it's from getting laid several times a day.
-The movie "Terminator" is actually a simulation of what could happen if the Buell Thunderstorm Engine was to become sentient.
-Top Fuel drag bikes are powered by Buell Thunderstorm Engines with a K&N, can and a tune.
-There is no material/element in existence that would be strong enough to be used for the engine block of a Buell with a slip-on and nitrous.
-When filming Torque, to get the ricers to do wheelies they just swapped in stock Buell motors.
-The amount of power generated by a Buell Thunderstorm Engine with only 2 spark plugs and mixed wires with 3 gallons of gas could power the entire Vegas strip for a week.
-NASA recently announced that all future rocket launches will be powered by Buell Thunderstorm Engines
-If the Buell Thunderstorm Engine had a penis it would be the biggest in the world.
-It is possible to roast coffee beans with just the exhaust coming from a Buell a block away.
-The land speed record is held by a Buell with a Micron on highway 9.
-It is physically impossible to be late to anything anywhere EVER if you are driving a Buell. Unless you're FireboltEric_ma.
-Scientists around the world are petitioning to include the Buell Thunderstorm Engine in the periodic table of elements.
-Other than diamond itself, the only other known element which can cut diamond is a Buell Thunderstorm Engine.
-If you ever run out of gas on a Buell, chances are you're moving fast enough to coast to your destination.
-The Buell has been determined to be the most significant cause of global warming, simply due to the heat radiating from the exhaust because of the sheer amount of hp the engine generates.
-Scientists hypothesize that by coupling an Buell motor's flywheel to power plants around the world, we can permanently put an end to the power crisis.
-If you have ever driven past a Buell, it was either on the brakes hard or parked.
-If a gay man drives a Buell, he comes out of the experience a homophobic straight man with a wife and 3 kids.
-It has been determined that it would be impossible to stop a Buell with an intake and exhaust swap, because there would be no way for commercially available brakes to stop the car.
-99% of 'Honda and Kawi guys have never driven a Buell. This is a good thing, because if they did, Japan would instantly go out of business due to a huge slump in car sales.
-The nobel prize was awarded to a Buell assembly manual.
-The earth is being thrown off it's rotational axis by a man that mounted slicks on his 03 Buell and punched it from a stoplight.
-Traction control was not invented prior to the discovery of a Buell, as there was no need.
-There are no commercially available tires which can harness the sheer torque produced by a Buell.
-The State Police ordered thousands of Buells but later backed out of the contract as they had a difficult time keeping the bike straight and on two wheels
-A Buell could supplement the energy provided by the sun and bring an end to the next ice age.
-The only WMD that needs to be sent to Iraq is a Buell.
-On the 7th day, when God was pretending to rest, he designed a Buell.
-Lumberjacks use a Buell to uproot 300 year old redwood trees.
-Freight trains are powered by Buell motors - however they need to be detuned to prevent the train from welding its wheels to the track.
-A stock 03 Buell with drag radials exerted so much force on the earth’s surface that it created the volcanic chain known as the “ring of fire.”
-The power generated by a Buell Thunderstorm Engine can supplement the sun and bring an end to the next ice age.
-The Buell Thunderstorm Engine is so powerful even superman is unable to handle the forces exerted under acceleration.
-The Lockheed martin Joint Strike fighter disguises a Buell motor as a rocket engine to preserve the secret as to why it is superior to every other military plane ever made. Ever.
-If a Buell motor was retuned to utilize its maximum capability, the engine would suck in so much oxygen that earth’s atmosphere would collapse and all humans would cease to exist.
-Hurricane Katrina was caused by the turbulent exhaust flow of a Buell driving down the highway at 7000 RPM.
-A Buell Thunderstorm Engine does not actually require fuel. The fuel tank is merely attached to an independent mechanism that burns fuel to retain the secret that could drive all oil companies out of business and crumble global economies.
-If we were to build a freeway into outer space, it would be possible to prove the theory of time travel using a Buell.

(Message edited by scotty_j on January 29, 2009)
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Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 01:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

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Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 01:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

That's some good snuff copenhagen.
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Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 01:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

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Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 01:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

-A Buell Thunderstorm Engine does not actually require fuel. The fuel tank is merely attached to an independent mechanism that burns fuel to retain the secret that could drive all oil companies out of business and crumble global economies.

Confirming my theory that Erik Buell is John Galt.
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Posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 03:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

HAHAHA, very funny
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