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Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 10:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

OK, if you don't want to know what happened during the races Saturday.. Then DON'T read this thread any farther..

OK.. Superbike..
Was SMOKING! They had to do multiple starts due to crashes and mishaps. Miladin and his crew were fighting hard to avoid the mechanicals that took him out of previous races.

Big Number One - had a horrible start on the second restart and found himself in the pack as Spies took a shot at first with Zempke chomping at his heels. That big blue and white however wasn't done. The man switched into 'Mad Mat' mode and started chewing up track at a blistering pace. Hodgeson was running up front and looked to have a really good shot at a podium when he was taken out on a mechanical, leaving E-Boz as the only Duc with a shot. But nobody was keeping pace with the NEW VIR lap record holder (1:23.9 or some such).

In the end 'Mad Mat' chewed his way past each rider until he swallowed up Zempke and Spies and set started to check out. Zempke lost ground to Yates who hung in for third making it an all Suzuki Podium.

Formula Extreme ran hot and heavy, from my vantage point near turn three I could see the explosion of bikes leaving the start line.. and the one blue and white Buell coasting down the main straight. Walt had some electrical problems and never made lap one. It was heartbreaking since he'd made the drive down and does all his own wrenching and.. well.. after all that work, something electrical took him out.. This left Jeff and Mike to fly the Buell banner.

Mike was doing quite well, holding his basic start position and looking to eat up a little ground and maybe push closer to the top ten finish. Then suddenly he wasn't there any more. At first we worried he'd gone down, but no, his shifter had broken loose and he was done for the day.

Now there was one Buell left, Hobans, Jeff pushed it hard, I know, I watched make a pass in the very short space between turns three and four and dive down hill. The bike held together and the fuel problems they had experienced during first practice was gone.. Jeff finished 18th out of the 28 bikes that gridded. HEY GANG, BADWEB CONTINGENCY MONEY TO JEFF JOHNSON! Cool!

OK, end of the results report.. I'm off to the races..
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Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2005 - 11:08 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

From my vantage point, a newbie at a live race, I must say there's no substitute for the real thing. Oh, you may be able to see the whole race on TV but I'll take my position on the track and watch it live any day. Thanks, BluBlak, for bringing me to this event...let's do it again! Great to see you Jose, Linda, Jim and Rebecca...
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Posted on Monday, August 29, 2005 - 01:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

The VIR weekend stunk overall. It took all of my only practice session to get the bike to handle properly. During qualifying the bike handled good, but was seriously down on speed. The MAP was way off. Once I figured out the speed problem, Saturday morning's session went better. However, as the bike got faster the handling went away again somewhat. I got that fixed and I was really excited for the race as the bike was now much faster overall and I knew I could probably knock a couple seconds off per lap from where I qualified. It wasn't to be however as the main harness fuse blew as soon as I launched the bike from the starting line. I'll have to dig into it this week and find the harness problem. Oh well, I'll be back.

Thanks to all the BadWebbers who came out.
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Posted on Monday, August 29, 2005 - 01:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I will add that my race experience stunk, not everything. I did get to ride which was cool. I got to hang out with some cool people and my wife was cool enough to spend our first wedding anniversary at the race track. Now that's pretty awesome.
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