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Buell Forum » Old School Buell » Archive through October 02, 2012 » Tuning Secrets? and other small oddities.. « Previous Next »

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Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 07:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

So I recently did a mini-overhaul on the x1(replaced the starter gasket - primary finally not hemorrhaging oil since the day I bought it - yay.) doing all the small checks and things, all new oil - levels checked, torques, etc. Reset the tps and rode it and experienced a phenomenal increase in power, smoothness and overall performance - felt like twice the bike as before. amazing. But, unfortunately, it resorted back to its lackluster performance only a few days after the reset. I've been trying to keep a good tune going on it for quite a while and I'll get it almost perfect every now and then but it doesn't seem to stick around any longer than maybe 5-15 rides.. I'm aware there are many more factors in correcting the tuning other than a tps reset but I thought I would ask if there were any other good fixes or ideas why my tune seems to only last a few days. I can fetch whatever might be helpful from ECMspy if necessary.

Setup: forcewinder intake, wileyco muffler, known crack in exhaust elbow (but-had my best tune with it still present...?)

Other quirks
working on the bike I noticed various small things that keep me thinking at night:
- I wish I could stop talking about oil... these all could be related issues causing each other for all I know - before my most recent fix job I had a lifter get real loud on me (which initiated the fix job); instead of trying seafoam like I did the first time it happened I thought I would try Marvel Mystery Oil - the very loud clatter went away but there is still quite a bit more lifter/valvetrain noise than before. Probably unrelated but recently I cannot get that pesky oil pressure sensor(? - elbow plug below the filter..) to stay plugged in at all. Digging through some other threads I had found other cases of lifter noise not going away being caused by the top end not getting an adequate oil supply either from a pinched oil line under the starter or from a blockage around the timing cover passageways - is this plausible? The lines under there are pretty bent but would fixing that do anything?

- really not that important but why not. I'm curious about replacing the little parking lamp/"euro" bulb in the headlight. Only ones I can find that will fit are of higher voltage, wattage than the one in there originally. Will putting one of these in suck more current away from the main headlight and other important electronics?
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