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Posted on Wednesday, April 04, 2012 - 09:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Election time is coming up. In my opinion, there’s nobody to vote for; just people to vote against; and it’s been that way for a while.
I look back on the previous Administration and I see a lot of things I don’t like. I saw the USA going to war with Afghanistan (which I think was the right thing to do), but I also saw the President lie to the U.N., the US Congress and most offensive, the American people about having “Positive Proof” that Iraq was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to invade a Country that was no threat to us. I saw the creation of the American Gestapo, AKA the Department of Homeland Security. I saw the USA create a Concentration Camp and use torture to get information from prisoners. I also saw what happens to the economy when you go to war with two countries and never budgeted the money to pay for it.
Now I look on the present Administration and I see a lot of things I don’t like. I see government becoming larger and more controlling. The Gestapo is getting stronger. I see a President who deals with Pirates as if they were legitimate and would not let the Navy Seals do their job. I saw the death of the Space Program. And I see a President who is willing to encourage Racial Hatred. I am pretty much disgusted with him.
Now I’m looking at the upcoming election. I don’t really like Mitt. We had him for a Governor in Massachusetts. He’s a Professional Politician. (How do you know he’s lying? His lips are moving.) I will not vote for Obama.
Personally, I don’t think it really matters if I vote or not. I vote because I consider it to be my Duty, and I try to put some thought into who I vote for. But I also believe that there are Puppet Masters behind the scenes who have ordained who will win the election in spite of how the people vote. In all of US history, there have only been two elections where “Voting Irregularities” caused the results to be delayed. Both times it happened with the same Candidate. The American people stood silent and accepted it.
I think Obama is going to be re-elected. It doesn’t really matter if a majority vote against him, the results have been pre-ordained. Next election, it will be the other side’s chance to be the figurehead, but for now, we’re stuck with what we’ve got.
I once heard a Professor ask his class what the difference between the Democratic and Republican parties was. After hearing about Conservative, Liberal, Labor, Business, etc., he said that there was no difference between the two. I believe that more and more as I get older.
You can believe what you want (This IS a free Country, right?) but I think I’m seeing smoke and mirrors being used to a degree that would make David Copperfield jealous.
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