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Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 - 05:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Since we often seem to hear about the bad dealer experiences, I figured I would post my positive experience with HD Biketown in Austintown, OH, just outside of Youngstown, OH.

While on my week long trip with my buddy down to SE Ohio and West Virginia (great ride btw - pictures later), on the 3rd day of the trip, I got a flat rear tire, on a small little country road, in the middle of Nowhere, Pennsylvania. I always carry a plug kit, but it turns out that the little 12 volt air compressor that I've been carrying around on various bikes for the past 9 years was broken - the valve connector thingy was busted, and it was impossible to get any air into the tire to find the leak. We found 3 possible sources for the leak, but couldn't confirm because of the lack of air in the tire to verify the leak.

So, after 5 hours, a loaner air compressor from a forest ranger, and some compressor pieces from a local Harley rider (they're not all bad guys!), we were able to get it plugged and put a minimum amount of air to get me to a proper compressor at a gas station. Once fully inflated, my buddy and I continued on, getting a room in Youngstown.

The next morning, I realized that that our motel was almost across the street from Biketown. Not feeling especially secure with a plugged tire and the twisty bits of road on this trip still to come, I decided to see if they would be able to replace the tire that morning. Am I ever glad I did.

Chad, who knows Buell and is their Buell tech seemed to be a genuinely good guy. He confirmed that riding with a plugged tire is probably not the safest thing. They checked if they had a tire for me. While they did, Chad took me into the back of the shop to show me a police Uly that they had back there... Neat bike - I forgot to take pictures of course!

They did have a tire for me, and replaced it immediately. I brought the bike in, walked to get breakfast and by the time we got back, the bike was waiting for me, new tire and all. All in all, it was a great experience. They are definitely a Buell Friendly dealership, and I have only good things to say about my experience. They also carry Victory and Polaris ATV's. Everyone was very friendly and accommodating, and there was none of the "Harley Snobbery" that I've encountered at other HD dealerships. Also, they actually had more floor space dedicated to bikes than to T-shirts and other crap, although they did have their fair share of that. I'm not usually a dealership T-shirt guy, but I would have bought a Buell one had they had any left.

So, if you're in the area, feel confident knowing that Biketown seems to be one of the good dealers.
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