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Archive through April 16, 2008Strmvt30 04-16-08  06:40 pm
Archive through April 07, 2008Jackbequick30 04-07-08  09:24 am

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Posted on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 09:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

As a side note, I just installed Bobcat on a couple of my Macs. I honestly think it's way better than MapSource. It's easier to understand how to transfer waypoints, routes, etc.

I used the map manager to transfer the maps from my XP image on my Mac, and it worked flawlessly. Even the maps that I got from Jack, (thanks!) installed with no issues.

Anyone else have experience with Bobcat?
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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 05:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Many things have been said about Garmin already, but I have to give them a big kudos too. My Zumo 450 went wonky after an update I did on the unit (it would get to the welcome screen and freeze). They had me send it in, so they could look at it, and that's all they had me send in, my unit. Yesterday at my doorstep was a huge box. Turns out they sent me a brand new unit complete with new hardware and everything. They really know how to take care of customers and make them loyal that's for sure.

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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 08:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)


Bobcat is Garmin's new MapSource or MapSource-like application for the Mac, no?

If so, that has been a work in progress for some time and is about 18 months or so later in arrival than Garmin implied it would be.

If you've used MapSource on a PC and have a feel for what you can do with it there, can you do most of the same things on a Mac. Like see the mapping, place waypoints and routes, and upload them to a receiver? If so, it is good to hear that it is finally becoming more functional.

Last I heard about it, Mac users had to go through a lengthy conversion process on a PC, then import the maps to the Mac, and when they got done with it all they had very little of the capability that they had on the PC.

A couple of people that had the later dual core PowerBooks said that they were booting to a Windows desktop to run MapSource. Some with earlier models were running it under a Windows emulator.

Maybe if Garmin gets a better application on the Macs us Windows users can hope MapSource to get an overhaul too. But that might be a bad thing, all the newer Garmin stuff thends to be dumbed down and missing about half of the features and capabilities of the stuff it replaces.

Their new line of handhelds, the Colorados is full of glitz, glamor, and new features (like 3-D like views) but they will not hold a candle to the capabilities of the "x" series handhelds. The Colorados will probably be attractive to and okay for new GPS users. But those of us that are using them now and "get it" probably won't be interested in them.

The newer Garmin 5xx series marine chart plotters do not have RS-232 serial I/O. You cannot upload and download routes and waypoints to and from a PC. Nor can you use them as a NMEA data source for any other equipments. A bizarre omission if they want to sell them to boaters with any experience at all.

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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 04:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I was using MapSource on a virtual machine on my Mac Pro, but I wanted to use my MacBook Air to update the GPS and download tracks. I followed the instructions on the Garmin website, and it worked flawlessly. I converted my maps, (the process wasn't too lengthy, but I'm running a 2.8 Octo Mac Pro with 10GB RAM) copied them to the Mac, and imported them to Bobcat. Now I can do everything without having to run a VM, (although I do on the Mac Pro all the time anyway).

Bobcat has a folder setup sort of like iTunes and a lot of other Apple programs, with the list of folders on the left. You can create new folders easily, and already I've created a folder each for Routes, Waypoints, Tracks, and Favorites. So now I can save the tracks that I want to save for later, and make separate folders for different routes and trips that I'm going to make.

For instance, I am heading to CT at the end of June, and I will make a whole folder just for my two weeks there, and then another folder for the ride from CT to Homecoming, then one for the ride home.

Eventually, because I move so much, I plan on making a folder with each of my duty stations, keeping all of my tracks, waypoints, and good routes.
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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 06:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Thanks for the details Sean.

I'm going to sanitize your comments a little and post them to the alt.satellite.gps.garmin newsgroup, there is always someone there interested in getting MapSource going on a Mac.

I was looking at Macs at Best Buy a few months ago but didn't pull the trigger on one. The mortal fear that it wouldn't work out. Well, that and the money thing. I was afraid to pick the Air up. I was afraid it might break or something.

But maybe a Pro next time I need another laptop...

When you run Windows on a Pro, do you reboot and then choose to boot to Windows? Or is it more like running Windows in the background?

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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 08:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

No problem, post my comments anywhere. I'm very pleased with the Bobcat experience.

I sent you a PM with some Windows-on-a-Mac information. Don't want to hijack a good GPS thread.

Speaking of GPS stuff - does anyone have any good sites to download routes? I noticed Garmin has the Mad Maps on their site (for $$$) and there are a few free routes, but maybe some of you out there have better places to get routes that we can download and ride?
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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 09:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)


Alas only if you have a Zumo model...
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Posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008 - 09:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Yeah, I've been to the Garmin connect site - unfortunately, since I live in Florida, (can't spell FLAT without FL) there aren't any rides around here. Nor did I see any rides around NW Connecticut or eastern NY state, and I know for a fact that there are a lot of really good roads around there...
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Posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 - 06:07 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

"..Alas only if you have a Zumo model..."

Not so, that can be saved as a *.gpx file, that is a versatile format for exchanging GPS data.

Click on the name of the ride, from the next page click on "Export", from the third page right click the "Export this ride..." link and choose "Save As...".

That will give you a *.gpx file that can be imported into MapSource, or some models, put into a \gpx folder on the SD card.

From MapSource you can view the track and upload it if you have a model that will allow that.

Or you can place waypoints and build a route along the track and upload that. On some models, the route via points will end up as Favorites and you'll have to go to them one at a time (time for sequentially logical names like 001, 002, etc.). On other models, nothing can be done or nothing will happen.

Welcome to the work of the Garmin software design department. They pull features out of a hat one at a time, sometimes the cut the feature in half or rearrange the logic, then they paste them into the software at random, renaming some of the objects.

As soon as they get bored they quit and go into production. Beta testing and talking to the people that will use it is for wimps. These programmers all have resumes in at M$ and hope to go there and fix Vista someday...

If you open the *.gpx file in MapSource there will be one track, right click, click on show Selected Track on Map and you'll see the track on whatever mapping you currently have selected in MapSource.

I can choose to see the track overlaid on MetroGuide 4.02, U.S. Topo, City Navigator 2008, and BlueChart Americas. From the various maps you can usually figure out the roads, fire roads, power line right of ways, or whatever was used for the ride.

Place a few waypoints on the turning points on the route and you have an uploadable route. For some models you can clear the track memory on your GPS, upload the track, and then follow the track (good for off road tracks).

That will also let you add it to your Saved Tracks on some of the hand helds and also opens up the opportunity to TrackBack or follow it in reverse.

Or you can have it converted to a route. That will produce mixed results, especially on point to point (Off Road) routes where there are no road vectors on the GPS.

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